Werner "Mr.W" Skolimowski - Professional Mural Artist, Graffiti Sprayer & Vandalist!Photography of Classic Cars, Hearses, Mutant Vehicles, Murals, Graffiti Art & more
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Black Rock City, Nevada Photo Gallery
Photos of Black Rock City, Nevada. The amazing city around the anual Burning Man Festival.
To get to Black Rock City
you have to drive through
miles and miles of
dry and empty desert.
You will find the city in a flat empty desert plain called the Playa.
Burning Man 2002 - Photography by Mr.W.
Burning Man 2002 - Photography by Mr.W.

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Burning Man 2002 - Photography by Mr.W.

Burning Man 2002 - Photography by Mr.W.

Burning Man 2002 - Photography by Mr.W.

Black Rock City is a drastically changing city. During the winter months and most of the year its population is very small or zero.
Then at the end of summer
it grows within a very short time
to Nevada's 3rd biggest city.
Hundreds and thousands of friendly and sharing people create a beautiful circular city on the Playa around the Man.

Burning Man 2002 - Photography by Mr.W.

Burning Man 2002 - Photography by Mr.W.

Burning Man 2002 - Photography by Mr.W.
Burning Man 2002 - Photography by Mr.W.

Black Rock City is full of
art, life and creativity.

Burning Man 2002 - Photography by Mr.W.

Burning Man 2002 - Photography by Mr.W.

Burning Man 2002 - Photography by Mr.W.

Burning Man 2002 - Photography by Mr.W.

Burning Man 2002 - Photography by Mr.W.

The Black Rock City Pubilc Transportation system.

Burning Man 2002 - Photography by Mr.W.

Burning Man 2002 - Photography by Mr.W.

At night time things really heat up
with lights and fire everywhere.

Burning Man 2002 - Photography by Mr.W.

Burning Man 2002 - Photography by Mr.W.

Burning Man 2002 - Photography by Mr.W.

The citizens of Black Rock City are very unusual and colorful.
They are full of positive energy.
I never before felt so welcome, appreciated and cared for.
Thank you to all burners for this awesome experience!

Burning Man 2002 - Photography by Mr.W.

Hey shark bar!
Thanks for swallowing me.

Burning Man 2002 - Photography by Mr.W.

Burning Man 2002 - Photography by Mr.W.

Burning Man 2002 - Photography by Mr.W.

Burning Man 2002 - Photography by Mr.W.

Burning Man 2002 - Photography by Mr.W.

Burning Man 2002 - Photography by Mr.W.
Burning Man 2002 - Photography by Mr.W.

Burning Man 2002 - Photography by Mr.W.

Burning Man 2002 - Photography by Mr.W.

Burning Man 2002 - Photography by Mr.W.

Burning Man 2002 - Photography by Mr.W.

Burning Man 2002 - Photography by Mr.W.

Burning Man 2002 - Photography by Mr.W.

Burning Man 2002 - Photography by Mr.W.

The night of the burn marks the end.
It's the biggest and longest party night Black Rock City will see that year.
The Man in the center who watched over everything gets eaten by flames.
Over the next couple of days Black Rock City will disappear, too.

Hopefully it grows back next year, maybe even bigger and nicer.

Burning Man 2002 - Photography by Mr.W.
All what's left of the Man. Burning Man 2002 - Photography by Mr.W.
Back on the road again.
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Mural Art Painting - Artwork by Mr.W.Graffiti Art Painting - Artwork by Mr.W.Graffiti Sandpainting - Art Work by Mr.W.Graffiti Drawing - Art Work by Mr.W.Graffiti Art - Artwork by Mr.W.
 Mr.W.'s Artwork - Murals, Paintings, Sandpaintings, Drawings, Sketches & Graffiti
Classic Cars - Photography by Mr.WClassic Cars - Photo by Mr.W.Cadillac Eldorado - Classic Car Photos by Mr.WClassic Car Photography by Mr.W.Classic Car Photos by Mr.W
 Photos of Classic Cars - Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Chrysler, Citroen, DeSoto, Dodge, Edsel, Ford, Hudson, Imperial, Lincoln, Mercedes, Mercury, Oldsmobile, Plymouth, Pontiac & Volkswagen
Classic Stationwagon Photos by Mr.W.57 Chevy Dragster - Photo by Mr.WClassic Cars - Photos by Mr.WHearse Photos by Mr.W.
 Art Cars, Mutant Vehicles, Apocalyptic, Mad Max, Ghostbusters, Monster Garage & 4x4 Cars
4x4 Car Photos by Mr.W.Mutant Vehicle Photos by Mr.WArt Car Photos by Mr.W.Mutant Vehicles - Photo by Mr.W.Mad Max Car Photos by Mr.W.Post Apocalyptic Car Photos by Mr.W.Mutant Vehicles - Photo by Mr.W.
 Places - Black Rock City, Chicago, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Kassel, Phoenix, Reno, Seattle
Frankfurt Skyline Photo by Mr.WDowntown Chicago Photography by Mr.W.Downtown Reno, Nevada Photos by Mr.W.Huge Spider in Reno - Photography by Mr.WBurning Man Photos by Mr.W.
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  Copyright © 1999-2023   Werner "Mr.W" Skolimowski   All Rights Reserved